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Seventh Three Membership Congresses and Seventh Four Council

On March 27, 2019, China General Machinery Association (CMA) organized the "Seventh Three Membership Congresses, Seventh Fourth Council Meetings and Seventh Five Standing Council Meetings of CMA" in Hangzhou.

Main contents of the plenary meeting:

(1) Report on the development of the industry and the work of the association.

(2) Consideration of relevant regulations, bills and matters.

(3) Thematic reports:

1. On the current energy situation in China;

2. Analysis of macroeconomic situation and policy orientation in 2019;

3. Intelligent manufacturing is the main direction to promote the high-quality development of general machinery.

On the afternoon of March 27, the sixth meeting of the Eighth Council of the Pump Branch was held. Main contents of the meeting:

1. To inform the Pump Branch of its economic operation in 2018;

2. Report the summary of the work of Pump Branch in 2018 and the key work plan in 2019.

3. Description and mobilization of the exhibition tasks of the 10th China (Shanghai) International Fluid Exhibition Pump Exhibition Area in 2020;

4. Briefing on recruiting new members;

5. Discuss the requirements for the Secretariat of the Pump Branch.