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Meeting of Pressure Vessel Sub-Committee of Technical Commit

Meeting of Pressure Vessel Sub-Committee of Technical Committee on Safety and Energy Conservation of Special Equipment of State Administration of Market Supervision


On March 31, a meeting of the Pressure Vessel Subcommittee of the Special Equipment Safety and Energy Conservation Technical Committee of the State Administration of Market Supervision was held in Hefei. Xu Feng, Director of the Special Equipment Bureau of the State Administration of Market Supervision, Vice Chairman of the Special Equipment Safety and Energy Conservation Technical Committee, Academician Chen Xuedong, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Lin Shuqing, Vice Chairman of the Special Equipment Safety and Energy Conservation Technical Committee, were held in Hefei. Researcher Shou Binan, chairman of the Pressure Vessel Subcommittee, and members of the Pressure Vessel Subcommittee from all over the country attended the meeting.